Get ideas, tips, recipes, and hacks on various aspects of life here, including health, wellness, travel, food, parenting, family, home, art, decor, fashion, self-care, and more!
Have you ever heard the phrase “live with purpose” and not quite understood what it meant to you as an individual?
Do you want to live with purpose but not sure what that means?
Do you feel like you have many purposes in life and do not know how to organize or prioritize what you want to do?
Are you feeling like something is missing in your life or that you are not getting the fulfillment that you need?
If these questions intrigue you, keep reading! This article will share step by step instructions that will be highly beneficial and practical.
Exercising is hard work! We have a natural tendency to want to rest, but we know that movement is important for our mind and body. We have to push ourselves to get up and get going.
Exercising is more challenging for busy people like me who work 10- to 12-hour days and have families and other priorities to tend to during the day. Those priorities include the home, preparing meals, and taking care of my side businesses. With all that going on, it's easy to see why exercise would go on the back burner!
I finally figured out a way to get myself to exercise more and do it consistently. It took trial and error. The tips and suggestions offered could help you, too! Read through each and select 1 or 2 that will help motivate you to begin today.
Learn to put together easy and very affordable Valentine's Day gifts to give out to friends, family members, coworkers, bosses, teachers, colleagues, and students!
Valentine's Day is just around the corner! Whether you are in a relationship or single, you can celebrate and get in the spirit! It's fun to do things that are different sometimes, especially during the holidays, to break the monotony of the days.
Valentine's Day is inclusive now and you can bring the joy of the holiday to everyone around you. One way to do that is by making small gifts to give out on Valentine's Day.
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The main content, guides, resources, tips, and ideas are published under Efficiency and Organization, whicand videos released to help with efficiency, time management, organizing, leadership skills, goal achievement, planning, and self-development. More on these topics is available on
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